Picasso Quotes

With a few strokes of the brush he created worlds. These Picasso quotes show us what he could evoque by means of a few words.

El mundo de hoy no tiene sentido, así que ¿por qué debería pintar cuadros que lo tuvieran?

Today´s world doesn´t make any sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?

Debes tener una idea de lo que vas a hacer, pero sólo una vaga idea.

You must have an idea of what you´re going to do, but just a vague idea.

Todo es un milagro. Es un milagro que uno no se disuelva en la bañera como un terrón de azúcar.

Everything is a miracle. It is a miracle that one doesn´t dissolve in the bathtub like a lump of sugar.

Aunque sólo existiera una verdad única, no se podría pintar cien cuadros sobre el mismo tema.

Even if there were one unique truth, one could not paint a hundred paintings on that one theme.

No tengo ninguna de mis pinturas porque un Picasso original vale varios miles de dólares, es un lujo que no me puedo permitir.

I don´t have any of my paintings because an original Picasso is worth several thousand dollars, which is a luxury I cannot permit myself.

Todo el mundo quiere comprender la pintura. ¿Por qué no hay ningún intento de comprender el canto de los pájaros?

Everyone wants to understand art. Why doesn´t anybody try to understand the song of birds?

¿Qué es el arte? Si lo supiera, tendría buen cuidado de no revelarlo.

What is art? If I knew, I´d be careful not to reveal it.

Cuando yo era pequeño mi madre me decía: Si te haces soldado llegarás a general, si te haces cura, llegarás a ser Papa. En cambio de todo eso decidí ser pintor y me convertí en Picasso.

When I was a small child my mother used to say: if you become a soldier you'll be a general, if you become a priest you'll get to be the Pope. Instead of that I decided to be a painter and became Picasso.

Desde niño pintaba como Rafael, pero me llevó toda una vida aprender a dibujar como un niño.

Ever since I was a child I could paint like Raphael, but it took me an entire life to learn to paint like a child.

Cuando no tengo rojo, pongo negro.

When I´ve got no red paint, I use black.


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Pablo Picasso
Spanish painter, draughtsman and sculptor, one of the greatest figures of twentieth century art.
He was extremely prolific throughout his lifetime. His oeuvre is characterized by distinct periods: academic realism in his youth, the somber Blue Period, the Rose Period, the African-influenced Period, analytic cubism and neo expressionism at the end of his life.

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