Spanish Quotes

Ernesto Sabato

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Culled from the work of the Argentine writer, author of the existentialist novel 'The Tunnel', here's a page-full of Ernesto Sabato quotes along with their English translations.

Vivir consiste en construir futuros recuerdos.

Living consists in the building of future memories.

Un buen escritor expresa grandes cosas con pequeñas palabras; a la inversa del mal escritor, que dice cosas insignificantes con palabras grandiosas.

A good writer expresses great thoughts with simple words, whereas the bad writer says insignificant things with grandiloquence.

Un creador es un hombre que en algo "perfectamente" conocido encuentra aspectos desconocidos. Pero, sobretodo, es un exagerado.

A creator is a man who finds unknown aspects in something that is “perfectly” known. But, above all, he is given to exaggeration.

La vanidad es tan fantástica, que hasta nos induce a preocuparnos de lo que pensarán de nosotros una vez muertos y enterrados.

Vanity is so fantastic that it even induces us to worry about what people will think about us once we´re dead and buried.

Un genio es alguien que descubre que la piedra que cae y la luna que no cae representan un solo y mismo fenómeno.

A genius is someone who discovers that the stone that falls and the moon that doesn´t fall represent one and the same phenomenon.

La vida es tan corta y el oficio de vivir tan difícil, que cuando uno empieza a aprenderlo, ya hay que morirse.

Life is so short and the skill of living so difficult that when one finally starts to learn it, it’s already time to die.

Para ser humilde se necesita grandeza.

It takes greatness to be humble.

Ser original es en cierto modo estar poniendo de manifiesto la mediocridad de los demás.

To be original is, in a way, to put other people´s mediocrity in evidence.

Creo que la esencia de la vida consiste en ser fiel a lo que uno cree su destino.

I think that life´s essence consists in being loyal to what one believes to be one´s destiny.

En la bondad se encierran todos los géneros de sabiduría.

Loving kindness encompasses all varieties of wisdom.

Las modas son legítimas en las cosas menores, como el vestido. En el pensamiento y en el arte son abominables.

Fashions are legitimate in minor things, like dress. In thought and art they are abominable.

El mundo nada puede contra un hombre que canta en la miseria.

The world is helpless against a man who sings in his misery.

Lo admirable es que el hombre siga luchando y creando belleza en medio de un mundo bárbaro y hostil.

It is altogether admirable is that man continues struggling and creating beauty in a barbaric and hostile world.

Siempre de lo bueno viene lo malo, y de lo malo, lo bueno.

Bad always comes from good and good from bad.

Yo creo que la verdad es perfecta para las matemáticas, la química, la filosofía, pero no para la vida. En la vida, la ilusión, la imaginación, el deseo, la esperanza cuentan más.

I believe that truth is perfect for maths, chemistry and philosophy, but not for life. In life, aspiration, imagination, yearning and hope are more important.

El proceso cultural es un proceso de domesticación que no puede llevarse a cabo sin rebeldía por parte de la naturaleza animal, ansiosa de libertad.

The cultural process is a process of domestication which cannot proceed without the rebellion of our animal nature, which yearns for freedom.


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Ernesto Sábato
Born in 1911
Argentine writer. A physicist in his youth, he gave up a brilliantly developing scientific career to devote himself full-time to writing and painting. After some years of writing reviews for Revista Sur, translating and writing essays and articles, his first work of fiction, the existentialist novel “El Túnel”, was published in 1948 establishing him as a writer.

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