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He held himself to be, more than an exponent of surrealism, its very embodiment. The first of the following Dali quotes was his reaction when he was expelled from the Surrealist Movement in Paris and expresses this in no uncertain terms:

¡No podéis expulsarme porque Yo soy el Surrealismo!

You can´t expel me for I am Surrealism!

Nada hay más surreal que la realidad.

There´s nothing as surreal as reality.

Cada mañana al despertarme, siento un placer supremo, el placer de ser Salvador Dalí.

Each morning, upon awakening, I feel a supreme pleasure, the pleasure of being Salvador Dali.

La vida es aspirar, respirar y expirar.

Life consists in aspiring, respiring and expiring.

No le teman a la perfección, ustedes jamás la alcanzarán.

Don´t fear perfection, you'll never attain it anyway.

No te empeñes en ser moderno. Por desgracia, hagas lo que hagas, es la única cosa que no podrás evitar ser.

Don´t exert yourself in being modern. Unfortunately, do what you may, it's the only thing you cannot avoid.

Picasso es pintor. Yo también. Picasso es español. Yo también. Picasso es comunista. Yo tampoco.

Picasso is a painter. Me too. Picasso is Spaniard. Me too. Picasso is a communist. Me neither.

Dejad que mis enemigos se devoren entre ellos.

Let my enemies devour each other.

Yo jamás pienso, juego.

I never think, I play.

Nunca estoy solo. Tengo la costumbre de estar siempre con Salvador Dalí. Créame, eso es una fiesta permanente.

I´m never by myself. I´m in the habit of being always with Salvador Dali. Believe me, it's an unending party.

A los seis años quería ser cocinero. A los siete quería ser Napoleón. Mi ambición no ha hecho más que crecer y ahora solo quiero ser Salvador Dalí y nada más. Por otra parte, esto es muy difícil, ya que, a medida que me acerco a Salvador Dalí, él se aleja de mí.

When I was six I wanted to be a cook. When I was seven I wanted to be Napoleon. My ambition has not ceased to grow and now my only wish is to be Salvador Dalí and nothing else. On the other hand, that is very difficult, since the more I approach Salvador Dali the more he recedes.

Es curioso, a mí me interesa mucho más hablar, o estar en contacto con la gente que piensa lo contrario de lo que yo pienso, que con los que piensan lo mismo que pienso yo.

It´s curious, I find it much more interesting to talk or be in contact with people who think the opposite of what I think, than with people that think the same as myself.

El tiempo es una de las pocas cosas importantes que nos quedan.

Time is one of the few important things left to us.

Muchas personas no cumplen los ochenta porque intentan durante demasiado tiempo quedarse en los cuarenta.

Many people don´t make it to eighty because they try for too long to stay forty.

La diferencia entre los recuerdos falsos y los verdaderos, es la misma que para las joyas, son siempre las falsas las que lucen más reales, más brillantes.

The difference between false and real memories is the same as that for jewels, it´s always the false that appear more real, brighter.

Una pintura es una fotografía hecha a mano.

A painting is a hand-made photograph.

Quienes se preocupan por la técnica yerran en todo.

Those who worry about technique get everything wrong.

Es evidente que existen otros mundos, eso seguro; pero, como ya he dicho muchas veces, esos otros mundos están en el nuestro, residen en la tierra y precisamente en el centro de la cúpula del Museo Dalí, donde está todo el nuevo mundo insospechado y alucinante del surrealismo.

It´s evident that other worlds exist, that is certain, but, as I've said time and again, those other worlds are within ours, they reside on Earth and precisely in the center of the dome of the Dali Museum, in which the whole new, unsuspected and hallucinatory world of surrealism lies.

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Salvador Dali
Spanish (Catalan) surrealist painter, whose creativity overflowed into the fields of writing, film, sculpture and photography.
One can probably say that more than an exponent of surrealism he was the embodiment of surrealism itself. At all events, that’s the image he went to great lengths to cultivate through his eccentric, out-of-bounds behavior.
His best known work is “La Persistencia de la Memoria”.

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